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ASHS: Nurture, Inspire, Empower

President Yayasan Kul-Kul:

Ni Putu Tirka Widanti (Ika)


Jalan Raya Sibang Kaja, Abiansemal, Badung 80352 Bali, Indonesia



Located in the Balinese jungle Green School possibly features the most amazing and inspiring school environment on the planet. Build almost a 100% out of bamboo and a strong commitment to an environmentally sustainable future through the curriculum design this school is founded on the promise that we can change how we live, work, design, produce, consume etc so that people, nature and planet are kept in good and healthy shape for generations to come.


The school educates students to become leaders of today. Leaders that consciously consider our shared environment and act upon that knowledge through creating solutions to real world problems. Closely connected with nature, project-based and experiental learning plays a great role in the schools holistic approach to learning, creating a school that is relevant to the students and the challenges of their local communities as well as being a an important source of inspiration to the world. 

Green School Bali has an international body of students from all over the world. 20% is reserved for scholarships for local Balinese students. The school offers early years through high school programmes.

Green School Bali is owned by the non-profit foundation Yayasan Kul-Kul.

Dr. Ni Putu Tirka Widanti (Ika) is president of Yayasan Kul-Kul - the charity that owns and runs Green School Bali. Ika is a Doctor of Philosophy of and the Chair for Master of Administrations Science, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Ngurah Rai, Indonesia.


Through a strong academic career and a very active commitment to community education Ika engages in numerous Indonesian and international endavours to improve education from various perspectives. 

Visiting Green School in the autum of 2014

Green school is constructed almost solely out of bamboo and recycled materials. Even whiteboards are replaced with re-used car windows.


The school is powered on solar energy and has a wealth of sustainable solutions that are continously being expanding and improved, inspiring each one of us to re-think how we live our lives in more sustainable ways.

Ban Ki-Moon visits Green School

August 2014

The Secratary-Genral of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon paid a visit to the Green School in 2014, meeting with founder John Hardy and addressing the students at a large assembly thanking them for taking the lead and providing a great example of a sustainable future to the world.

John Hardy - Making a difference


Founder John Hardy shares the story of why he and his wife Cynthia created the Green School.


The schools curriculum has three main drivers: Essential subjects as English, math and science, a Green Studies curriculum and Creative Arts.

Green School Bali on 360 Metro TV

November 2014


Here the school explains their project based experiential learning approach with focus on real-life problems that is integrated in the curriculum. The curriculum has a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental issues in ways that are relevant to the students' lives.

TED talk by Melati and Isabel Wijsen

students of Green School Bali

London February 2016


'We are taught to become leaders of today. Something a text book cannot match. (...) Why should we wait until we were grown up to be significant. We wanted to do something now." Two amazing students of Green School Bali shares their inspiring initiative Bye Bye Plastic Bags with a global TED audience.

Learning in Green School Bali

In this video different examples of learning projects are presented. Children work hands-on to construct ideas and solutions to real problems.

Green School on CNN in 2009


Shortly after the opening of Green School, CNN paid a visit to explore the educational concept and the schools' strong commitment to sustainability and 21st Century learning in both curriculum, everyday life and school architecture.

Yayasan Kul-Kul  - Green School Bali 

A community of learners making our world sustainable

Dr. Ni Putu Tirka Widanti

See the School


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